Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Catch up....'s been awhile!
Here are a few things that have been going on in the Holland household:
On March 21st, Clint and Ashley were married!! As I told you in a past blog the wedding was brown and cream and I knew that I would never find a brown and cream dress that was affordable for us so I decided to make one! It turned out pretty cute ~ to be honest with you all, I wish it was a little longer...I don't know what I was thinking when I cut it out!! Anyway, I still think it's cute!!!
Here is little Miss Kamryn in the dress. When we left the house I guess she didn't realize there was going to be SO many cars out there!! That explains the expression on her face! HA!

The lovely couple!!!

I really don't know why the girl can't smile normal for me ~ especially when I'm looking so cute! HA!!! Of course, I wish my hair was a little bigger - not boofy enough!! LOL!!

Our lovely little "brown" family!!!
(again, a goofy smile from Kamryn - she's going to REALLY regret this when she is older - could this be a brief picture of how she's going to act when she is a teenager? Do we have a little actor/comedienne on our hand's?)

This is a dress I made out of a pillowcase that was on sale @ Wal-Mart and the sleeves were made from a cut-off of a denim skirt that was too long for me...I LOVE how it came out!!! (and OF COURSE the pink jelly shoes she showed EVERYONE!!!)

She just can't seem to look at the camera or smile right...

I found a lady on MySpace that makes (or at least I think she makes them...) well, at least sales these ADORABLE beenies with flower/bow attachments. This is the outfit she wore to church last Sunday and I just HAD to take a picture of it she looked so stankin' cute!!!

We have some friends at church that their little girl, Kelsey had her birthday party Sunday. We didn't get to go, I hadn't seen my Momma in a month and I couldn't stay away anymore!!! HA! But I did make this cute little shirt for her...I LOVE how it turned out - I hope it fits her and that she LOVES it as much as I do!!!

I know how to get Kamryn to make a normal smile! Monday we went to Wal-Mart and she wore this really cute outfit (with the white beenie of course!) and so I decided to take a picture of her. She wasn't smiling "normal" (shock of all shockers!) so as if a light came down from heaven above I thought to myself, "she has a cute laughing smile, I'll get her to tell me a joke!" (she is in the "joke telling" phase especially knock-knock jokes - she can come up with some doosies!!) She laughs at the end of it and this is what I got out of her!!

I love these kind of pictures....

Alright, now to today...Jerry's parents are driving to Florida tomorrow to spend some time with Nathan and Julie (I SO wish we could go with them...not the right time right now though...). Kamryn and I went to pick up Daisy (our "old" dog...I miss her - she's a good dog!) to stay with us until they get back after Easter.
When we got here I left Daisy in the car so that I could go in the house and get Janie - I didn't know how she would react to Daisy in "her domain" and I'm glad I did because she did a little "tinkling" when she saw Daisy...not sure what that was all about. Daisy, of course, went straight to our bedroom and has been under the bed ever since....
Now, we are waiting on Jerry to get home. I am going to make "Shepherd's Pie" tonight...doesn't that sound great?

1 comment:

  1. I happened across your blog from Bring the Rain. What a beautiful family you have. I hope you had a special Easter.
