Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Just a quick little post...

I have just enough time for a quick little post...busy bee!!
First off, be praying for my Mom. She had knee surgery back in January and thought everything was fine - she had even stopped taking the blood thinner the doc had prescribed (the normal 6 weeks). Her back has been bothering her and had an appointment with a back doctor yesterday. Over the weekend the leg she had her knee surgery on was so swollen and hard that she said you could have bounced a quarter off it!! She told the doctor about it and of course he was concerned!
He sent her to the hospital to stay over night and quickly gave her a shot of coumadin (spelling?)...she has TWO blood clots in her leg...that is SO scary to me!! Be praying for me too...
It looks as if she will be in the hospital for the rest of the week...which is the best place for her!!
NOW...for some good news! I have completed another dress!!! I took a picture of it on my iPhone so the lighting isn't that great but isn't it just the cutest!!!!
It's for my friend Jordan's (not yet born) baby girl, Katie Rae!! (Come to the light Katie Rae)!! It's a full moon tonight so I'm hoping she goes in to labor!!
We have a wedding here at the church on the 21st for her cousin (our friend's too) Clint & Ashley - YAY!!! Ashley has picked brown and cream for her colors...SO pretty!!! It's going to be the cutest wedding ever! She has called it "Sophisticated Hillbilly"! Cracks me up!
At the reception they are using mason jars with jute around it for flower vases - CUTE!!!!
Soooo, back to the dress....because the wedding is brown and cream and you would never be able to find a brown AND cream dress for a newborn (let alone afford it if you DID find it!!) I volunteered to make one for baby girl! it is!!!

I just hope she is born before the 21st!!! Her due date was finally set to the 19th - it has been back and forth - so who knows!
On another note, we finally got some rain today I hope it washes all the pollen away - I still seem to be sneezing...that's the only thing I don't like about Spring!! I just love all the green and all the flowers!!!
I hope you all have a great day!!!!


  1. Amy, that dress is adorable!! I need a girl...but not yet! ;)

  2. I think Kristen has decided Angie and I will have the girls and you two will have the boys!! But maybe not - you & I still have a little more time to have one more - I guess we'll see - huh?!! LOL!!
    Thanks for the comment on the dress!!!
