Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Strep Throat...UGH!!!

Just a quick little usual!!!

I am SO bummed right now...I woke up yesterday with a VERY BAD sore throat and ran fever off and on all I decided to go to the doctor. Today I found out, as I suspected, I have strep throat!! I haven't had that since I was in elementary school! CRAZY!!!
Right now, I am hurting. I really have a lot I want to be doing but just don't feel like it! Thank the Lord for Disney movies (never thought I would say that!!) - they are keeping Kamryn busy to where she isn't constantly needing my attention!
I am also bummed because Jill and I, after MANY attempts, were going to get our kids together to play tomorrow but my doctor told me I would still be contagious tomorrow! Oh, well, we'll try again in a couple of weeks!! (there is always something with the two of us! LOL!!)
Ok, Jerry just called and said he was on his way home, I'm cooking chicken pot pie - I thought that would feel good on my "shroat" as Kam calls it!!! (that's a combination of sore and throat if you were wondering!!). He was so cute, he asked if he needed to pick anything up for supper (yesterday we ate at the little cafe here in Sparkman because I hurt so bad and he felt sorry for me!) - tonight he was just afraid that by me touching the food he might get it! HA! Bless him...

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Real Quick....

It's been awhile since I last posted - it's been SUPER busy around here!! When I have more time (Ha HA!!), I'll catch up with you guys!

Here is a quick overview:

Kamryn turned THREE on May 23rd!!! We had a great time at her party!! I'll let you all know in more detail later!!!

Last week I was busy decorating for Vacation Bible School!!! Let's just say one of our Sunday School rooms turned into a CAVE!!! It is SO cool!!!!

This week....Vacation Bible School!!! It's going SO great!!!! A lot of the kids are saying it's the best they've been to!!! We had two kids (twins no less - how cool is that?!) AcceptBelieveConfess and became Christians on Tuesday!! Born into the world on the same day and born into the kingdom of heaven on the same day!!! They spoke with two different people so they didn't know what the other person was doing which makes even cooler!!!!

Today it feels SO nice outside! I think we need to go out and play!!

Have a great rest of the week!!!